
One woman's adventures in cooking for her Dutch-American family.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eet Smakelijk!

"Eet Smakelijk!" is a Dutch phrase that translates roughly to "eat tastefully." It is used like the French "bon appetit" to encourage diners to enjoy their meals. It seemed a fitting name for this blog about cooking, written by a woman who married a Dutch citizen.

When our son, D, started solids about eighteen months ago, I was really overwhelmed by the idea that I was responsible for teaching him to eat well. I got off to a slow start, but over the last year and a half, our family has become more and more intentional about the foods we eat. We tend to eat most of our meals at home now, except when we travel, and we're eating more and more whole foods. Meal planning has become a regular part of our week, and Saturday mornings start with a trip to our local farmer's market-y store. We've seen our grocery budget cut almost in half, and I'm well on my way to my goal weight for the first time since college many moons ago. As for D, he's happy, healthy, and a wonderful eater. Inspired by the book, "My Two-Year-Old Eats Octopus," I set and met my goal that by the time D turned two, he would eat whatever the rest of us ate for dinner. He also likes our breakfasts and lunches, but I especially wanted him to embrace a wide-range of dinner options, not just the typical toddler selections of mac-n-cheese, pizza, hamburger, chicken nuggets and grilled cheese. In fact, he doesn't care for any of those things!

I've been posting about my cooking adventures for quite awhile on Facebook, but since I enjoy reading so many other cooking blogs, I thought I'd throw another one out there to the interwebs.

Eet Smakelijk!

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